苦难是艺术的perfect recommendation

来源:爱看影院iktv8人气:742更新:2022-12-15 00:01:17

和卡蜜儿·克劳黛尔一样美丽、有才又苦难的艺术家,像Orlando一样多变而迷人。Frida比卡蜜儿幸运,因为Diego不像罗丹那样嫉妒和榨取卡蜜儿的才华,而始终是Frida的comrade和fellowship。这部电影对婚姻的阐释也非常深刻,带着南美的热烈与豁达,at best,it's a happy delusion. These two people who truly love each other and have no idea how truly miserable they are about to make each other. But when two people know that and they decide with eyes wide open, then I don't think it's delusional. It's radical and courageous and very romantic. 浪漫就是这种认清了真相的义无反顾。深以为然6080yy


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